

Professor Jim Mann - Healthier Lives Director
Professor Jim Mann (KNZM) is a world leader in human nutrition, diabetes and obesity. He has been Professor in Human Nutrition and Medicine at the University of Otago and Consultant Physician (Endocrinology) in Dunedin Hospital for over 30 years. He was previously the Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Human Nutrition, and is the Director of the NZ-China Non-communicable Diseases Research Collaboration Centre, co-Director of the Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research and Principal Investigator for the Riddet Institute, a national Centre of Research Excellence.
Professor Mann has been involved in guideline development for numerous international and national organisations concerned with nutrition, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, several of which he has chaired or continues to chair. He has authored over 500 peer reviewed journal articles and written and edited several textbooks and popular books, including the Essentials of Human Nutrition.
- Professor Jim Mann’s research profile
- Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research (EDOR)
- Public Health Research at Otago

Professor Parry Guilford - Deputy Director
Professor Parry Guilford is a Principal Investigator in the Cancer Genetics Laboratory, University of Otago, the Director of the Centre for Translational Cancer Research, and the Chief Scientific Officer and co-founder of Pacific Edge Ltd. He completed his MSc at Otago in 1983, and his PhD at Cambridge University in 1989. He is a member of the MBIE Science Board, the HRC Board, and a recent recipient of the Charles Hercus Medal for biomedical research, the HRC Beaven Medal for translational health research, the University of Otago’s 2017 Distinguished Research Medal, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Professor Guilford’s research interests include the genetics of inherited and sporadic cancers, and the development of new cancer diagnostics and therapeutics.

Professor Cliona Ni Mhurchu - Deputy Director
Professor Cliona Ni Mhurchu leads a programme of nutrition research at the National Institute for Health Innovation, University of Auckland. She trained in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at Trinity College Dublin and worked as a Dietitian in the UK before doing a PhD in Public Health Nutrition at the University of Southampton. Her research programme evaluates effects of population dietary interventions and policies, such as food taxes / subsidies, nutrition labels, healthier food reformulation, and food marketing. Current studies use a range of innovative technologies to deliver or evaluate interventions including smartphone apps, a virtual supermarket, and automated wearable cameras.
Professor Ni Mhurchu serves on a number of national and international advisory committees including the National Heart Foundation Food & Nutrition Advisory Group, Food Standards Australia New Zealand Social Sciences & Economics Advisory Group, and the New Zealand Health Star Rating Labelling Advisory Group. She is author of more than 160 peer-reviewed journal papers and Director of the “Dietary Interventions: Evidence & Translation” (DIET) programme.

Mr Andrew Sporle - Deputy Director
Andrew Sporle is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Auckland’s Department of Statistics, and Research Manager at McDonald Sporle Ltd. He was previously a member of He Oranga Hauora Kāhui Māori and is a member of the Science Leadership Team for the Ageing Well National Science Challenge. He was the inaugural Maori health research manager at the Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRCNZ) where he was involved in implementing strategies for the rapid development of Māori health research. His research interests include Indigenous statistics, social inequities, Māori responsiveness of research investment and the creation of public domain tools for accessing and applying existing data. He is a founding member of Te Mana Raraunga – The Māori Data Sovereignty Network.