Research / Healthy food and physical activity environments

HYPE (Healthy Policy Evaluation)

Evaluating the implementation and impact of the National Healthy Food and Drink Policy

Illustration Theme 1 Header
Funding: $1,499,523 Timeframe: January 2020 – June 2024


What we are investigating

Take | Issue

Unhealthy diet is the leading preventable risk for poor health worldwide.  Healthy food policies have the potential to reduce the burden of diet-related diseases across the whole population. The National Healthy Food and Drink Policy (NHFDP)  ̶  one of the few such policies in Aotearoa New Zealand  ̶  was developed by nutrition and public health experts as a voluntary initiative to improve the healthiness of food and drinks available in public health sector organisations.

Whāinga | Aim

This project undertook a comprehensive evaluation to assess the adoption, acceptability, implementation and impact of the NHFDP and develop evidence-based tools to support its implementation. No previous research had been undertaken to evaluate healthy food policies in New Zealand health sector settings.

Huarahi I Whāia | Approach

The research team audited the foods and drinks available for sale in 19 New Zealand DHBs and the Ministry of Health, analysed institutional food retail sales data, conducted surveys of staff and visitors at participating institutions, undertook interviews with food service managers and retailers, identified and tested resources to support and enhance implementation, and assessed the equity implications of the NHFDP.



Outcome | Putanga

The HYPE study found general support from stakeholders for adoption of a healthy food and drink policy in public sector settings in Aotearoa New Zealand. It also found that:

  • the NHFDP was adopted by less than half of public health sector organisations and was not fully implemented by any of the 20 organisations studied
  • there were some improvements in the relative healthiness of foods and drinks in four DHBs, and staff noticed more healthy options were available
  • the voluntary nature of the NHFPD and the lack of funding and supportive tools and resources were significant barriers to its implementation
  • there was a perception that the adoption and implementation of the NHFDP was not a priority for policy makers or organisational management, and the lack of consequences for non-adherence meant that many food providers did not fully adopt the NHFDP due to concerns that adherence could impact adversely on food sales
  • staff and visitors generally considered that healthier options were more expensive, and the groups most affected by this were Māori staff, Pacific staff, shift workers, and low-income staff and visitors.

The HYPE team concluded that a voluntary policy was not effective in ensuring provision of healthy food and drink options in New Zealand health sector organisations.

It recommended that a mandatory policy be implemented across all healthcare organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand and identified the following elements needed for more equitable implementation and impact:

  • funding, tools and resources to support policy implementation
  • more engagement and communication with food providers, staff and visitors
  • efforts to ensure that healthy options are attractive, appealing and good value for money.

Next Steps | Te ara kei mua

The HYPE team will continue to work with Health New Zealand to update the NHFDP, develop the Healthy Kai Checker tool, explore funding options to maintain it and create resources to support its use.

The HYPE findings and tools could be used more widely to improve the healthiness of food and drinks available in public sector settings, for example the Ka Ora Ka Ako school lunches programme.

Research Products | Nga hua o te rangahau

The HYPE team produced several tools to enhance the future implementation and impact of the NHFDP, including:

  • The Healthy Kai Checker, a searchable database of packaged food and drink products that allows food service managers and retailers to easily identify foods that meet policy criteria
  • a digital audit tool to monitor policy implementation and compliance.
YouTube video


Research presentation: Healthy food environments

Healthier Lives Kōrero Tahi 2024: equity and beyond (13-14 February 2024)

HYPE (Healthy Policy Evaluation)

Research Findings Brief

HYPE (Healthy Policy Evaluation) evaluated the implementation and impact of the National Healthy Food and Drink Policy, one of New Zealand's few national policies to improve the food environment.

Project Team

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