Research / Culturally centred health interventions for Māori and Pacific peoples

Mana Tū

Investigating a whānau ora approach to long-term conditions

illustration of community-centred health
Funding: $2,375,813 Timeframe: March 2017 – February 2020


What we investigated

Take | Issue

There are significant ethnic and social disparities in the prevalence and outcomes of type 2 diabetes in Aotearoa New Zealand, resulting from a range of complex factors such as wider social determinants of health, levels of engagement with the health system and management of the condition and its complications.

Whāinga | Aim

Mana Tū is a co-designed programme which deploys skilled and supported Kaimanaaki-whānau to help people with poorly controlled diabetes manage their own health. The Kaimanaaki work with General Practice (GP) teams while being supported by a central hub, which co-ordinates a range of support systems.

This project is investigating whether Mana Tū can improve the impact of clinical and lifestyle interventions for people with poorly controlled diabetes and whānau living with pre-diabetes.

Huarahi I Whāia | Approach

The Mana Tū programme is being evaluated using a cluster randomised controlled trial of 400 participants across ten GP clinics, with a primary measure of reducing HbA1c.  The project is also undertaking qualitative research that explores the implementation process from an Indigenous perspective, including acceptability, adoption, fidelity, penetration and sustainability.  Finally, it will explore the efficiency and cost effectiveness of Mana Tū.


This project was funded by:

The Ministry of Health, Health Research Council of New Zealand, and Healthier Lives National Science Challenge, as part of the Long-Term Conditions Partnership.

Project Team

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