Research / Culturally centred health interventions for Māori and Pacific peoples

Oire Tokoroa Family Diabetes Prevention Programme

A type 2 diabetes prevention programme, co-designed with Pacific families and communities

illustration of community-centred health
Funding: $601,828 Timeframe: February 2021 – June 2023


What we are investigating

Take | Issue

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the New Zealand Pacific population is more than double that in the New Zealand European population and is projected to rise steeply over the next 20 years.

The Pacific population has unequal access to resources to support health and wellbeing, and existing health services are not always culturally responsive and acceptable to Pacific communities.

Whāinga | Aim

This project co-designed and implemented a family-centred diabetes prevention programme for the Pacific community in Tokoroa. It aimed to help families develop the practical knowledge to support family members with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes by making healthier food and lifestyle choices, within their own lived experience and cultural context.

The project was intended to develop a methodological approach that could be adapted and replicated in other communities.

Huarahi I Whāia | Approach

The project built on previous research and an established research partnership with South Waikato Pacific Islands Community Services, to co-develop a type 2 diabetes prevention programme that is culturally relevant to Pacific families within their community in Tokoroa. Recognising that Pacific families make up the nucleus of their communities and often determine how communities operate collectively, this project piloted a holistic, family-centred prevention programme with the following elements:

  • Vaevae orooro – identification of, and support for, the person in the family who does important tasks to support the family
  • Kai Tari food bags and meal plan – provision of ingredients and a meal plan for four healthy Pacific meals for the family each week
  • Kai Tari Cookbook – creation of a cookbook containing healthy recipes featuring Pacific flavours
  • Family physical activity nights – a range of options for three sessions a week
  • Family education – education for family members led by Pacific experts (Diabetes Nurse Specialist, Nutritionist, General Practitioner).


Outcomes and Impact

Outcome | Putanga

Outcome | Putanga

  • The Oire Tokoroa family-focused diabetes prevention programme impacted positively on every aspect of daily life for the twenty families involved, including increased availability of food, better nutrition, improved literacy, more physical activity, new budgeting skills, closer family and community ties, and on-going employment.
  • The Kai Tari Cookbook, containing 16 dietician-approved recipes with Pacific flavours, continues to be used by the community and will be available to other communities soon.
  • The family-centred empowerment model of the Oire Tokoroa programme was adapted for use in the Fanau Manuia programme in Wellington, funded by A Better Start National Science Challenge to prevent prediabetes in children.

Next Steps | Te ara kei mua

The Oire Tokoroa Family Lifestyle Diabetes Prevention programme could be adapted by other communities. The lead researcher can be contacted for more information about it and the Healthier Lives Implementation Network may be able to assist communities who wish to implement such programmes.

Research Products | Nga hua o te rangahau

  • Oire Tokoroa Family Lifestyle Diabetes Prevention Programme, a family-centred Pacific health intervention model.
  • Kai Tari Cookbook, a co-created intergenerationally friendly cookbook containing sixteen dietitian-reviewed recipes with Pasifika flavours.
YouTube video


Research presentation: Community-led research for sustainable futures

Healthier Lives Kōrero Tahi 2024: equity and beyond (13-14 February 2024)



Media | Pāpāho

Video | kōnae whakaata

Oire Tokoroa Family Diabetes Prevention Programme

Research Findings Brief

The project co-designed and implemented a family-centred diabetes prevention programme for the Pacific community in Tokoroa that could be adapted and replicated in other communities.

Project Team

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