He kōrero mō mātou

Research products

Healthier Lives developed evidence-informed products to improve the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders which are freely available.

Co-designing health research in Aotearoa

A Kaupapa Māori evaluation of Healthier Lives co-designed research projects, featuring the co-design research integrity poutama (2024)

Co-designing health research in Aotearoa - short guide

Lessons learned about co-design with Māori and Pacific communities in Aotearoa New Zealand (2024)

Evidence for health and wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand

An inventory of research outputs from three National Science Challenges: A Better Start, Healthier Lives, Ageing Well (2024)

Pathways between research, policy and practice

A 2022 report on the principles and elements required for equitable and evidence-based policy development and implementation

The Economic and Social Cost of Type 2 Diabetes

A 2021 report on the cost of type 2 diabetes in Aotearoa New Zealand

The Economic and Social Cost of Type 2 Diabetes - executive summary

A 2021 report on the cost of type 2 diabetes in Aotearoa New Zealand - executive summary only.

OL@-OR@ app

A healthy lifestyle programme for Māori and Pasifika


WellConnectedNZ™ map

An interactive map of opportunities for social connection in Christchurch

Policy Inventory (2022)

A report on the health policy landscape in Aotearoa relevant to the mission of Healthier Lives

He Pikinga Waiora Co-design Implementation Framework

A framework to guide the implementation and evaluation of health interventions for Māori

Linkage error and linkage bias: a guide for IDI users

A guide discussing linkage bias in the Statistics NZ Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI)

To see what other research products we are working on visit our research projects.

He kupu mō ngā kitenga rangahau
Research findings briefs 

A series of research findings briefs, designed to distil large amounts of evidence from completed research projects and convey their key messages.

Healthier Lives – He Oranga Hauora

2019-2024 Research Strategy

To develop Healthier Lives’ 2019–2024 Research Strategy we consulted community partners, stakeholders, policy-makers and researchers, national and international experts, and interested members of the general public.

At the heart of the strategy is a vision of Aotearoa New Zealand with equitable health outcomes and a substantially reduced burden of non-communicable diseases.

Scoping and Prioritising Research

Our 2019-2024 research portfolio is a mix of continuing and new research. To commission new research we undertook a series of scoping and prioritising exercises:

Theme 1: Healthy food and physical activity environments
Theme 2: Culturally centred health interventions for Māori and Pacific peoples

Outreach activities

MaiBody, MaiFuture

A Pacific Rugby Players social media campaign to start a talanoa about health and wellbeing.

Project Activate

A Curious Minds programme for intermediate-aged school children about the science behind good health.

Cancer communication outside the box

Short webisodes about the experiences of atypical breast cancer patients.

YouTube channel

Videos, including recordings from symposia and events, are available to view on our YouTube channel.

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