August 2018 – August 2024
Dr Amohia Boulton is Executive Director of Whakauae Research Services, the only tribally-owned health research centre in Aotearoa, under the auspices of Ngāti Hauiti. She holds honorary positions at her former university, Victoria University of Wellington, where she is both an Adjunct Research Associate at the Graduate School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health, and a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Health Services Research Centre.
Amohia has a background in public policy and research interests that span Māori health leadership and governance, service-level evaluation, and the interface between national health policy and service implementation. Amohia is currently involved in a range of research projects in the areas of chronic conditions, tobacco policy, Whānau Ora and rongoā Maori. Her methodological expertise lies in conducting kaupapa Māori research projects with a strong translational component.
At an international level Amohia is a member of the Australasian Evaluation Society and a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing: Te Mauri Pimatisiwin. Her passion is to lead high quality research, grounded in Māori realities, which can shape policy to transform the lives of Māori whānau, hapū and iwi.