Healthier Lives

Farewell newsletter, August 2024

Farewell newsletter, August 2024 admin ajax

Director’s message At the end of a decade-long focus on mission-led research, it is time to reflect on the defining features of this approach and the extent to which it has facilitated progress. I am confident that Healthier Lives’ focus on achieving health equity and the relationships formed between research groups, communities, healthcare providers and […]

Illustrations bring dietary modelling to life

Illustrations bring dietary modelling to life modelling2

Sustainable New Zealand Kai lead researcher Dr Cristina Cleghorn (University of Otago Wellington) has been working with writer and illustrator Toby Morris over the last 12 months to portray the results of dietary modelling research. The project designed a New Zealand version of the international EAT-Lancet diet to meet this country’s dietary guidelines at minimal […]

Revolutionising Cancer Care in Aotearoa

Revolutionising Cancer Care in Aotearoa healthlives tues pm

Healthier Lives has released a series of three podcasts called Sticking it to Cancer. The series, produced by creative studio Daylight Group, focuses on new technologies to manage cancer using circulating tumour DNA, or ctDNA, and its potential for revolutionising cancer care in Aotearoa New Zealand. The podcasts feature TVNZ’s Jenny-May Clarkson in conversation with […]

Healthier Lives Newsletter June 2024

Healthier Lives Newsletter June 2024 picture1

Ka ara mai a Matariki, ka ara mai a Puaka, ka mānawatia a Puaka, ka mānawatia a Matariki. The celebration of Matariki in 2024 coincides with the official end of National Science Challenge funding. It is a time for us to acknowledge the mahi and dedication of our researchers and communities over the last decade, […]

Healthier Lives Newsletter May 2024

Healthier Lives Newsletter May 2024

Prime minister’s top science prize  Healthier Lives is incredibly proud of our Deputy Director, Professor Parry Guilford, who has been awarded the 2023 Te Pūiaki Putaiao Matua a Te Pirimia Prime Minister’s Science Prize for research undertaken in partnership with the Kimihauora Health and Research Clinic that has transformed the lives of people with inherited stomach cancer. […]

PhotoVoice exhibition captures unique perspectives

PhotoVoice exhibition captures unique perspectives kimiora and rau with mana whenua photographers 1

An exhibition of photographs portraying how mana whenua see themselves in the urban environment has given an intimate insight into the power of cultural landscapes. This exhibition has come about as part of the Healthier Lives and Ageing Well-funded ACTIVATION project, a mutifaceted programme investigating the impact of transport and community infrastructure on people’s health […]

Towards healthy transport choices for all

Towards healthy transport choices for all bike workshop 1

The ACTIVATION team, funded by Healthier Lives and Ageing Well, has trialed several new transport initiatives to increase active transport opportunities in lower income and residential communities. Filmmaker Ollie Dawe has made two short films that demonstrate the wide-ranging benefits of this research. In Ōtautahi Christchurch, residents at an Arvida Retirement Village have a new-found […]

Implementation Science masterclasses and workshops

Implementation Science masterclasses and workshops img 2135 cropped3

The Health Systems Change team, led by Professor Sue Crengle at the University of Otago, has developed the FrEEI-A* framework and readiness assessment tool to support the implementation of health interventions capable of delivering equal outcomes. The team were keen to share how Implementation Science (IS) can help people working within the health system to […]

Prestigious prize for life-changing research

Prestigious prize for life-changing research hdgc team credit salina galvan photography

The Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer team. Photo: Salina Galvan Photography Healthier Lives Deputy Director, Professor Parry Guilford, has been jointly awarded the Te Pūiaki Putaiao Matua a Te Pirimia Prime Minister’s Science Prize for 2023, for his role as principal investigator in the Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC) group. The HDGC group has been recognised for […]

Transport poverty can be alleviated

Transport poverty can be alleviated enviro200ev new zealand auckland transport scaled 960x565 c default

New Zealand’s temporary half-price bus fares were critically important in enabling people on low incomes to make essential journeys, according to recently published findings from the Healthier Lives and Ageing Well-funded ACTIVATION project. Transport New Zealand Waka Kotahi introduced half-price bus fares from April 2022 to June 2023 as part of a transport relief package […]

Research voices: Dr Cloe Posimani

Research voices: Dr Cloe Posimani 0h2a5757

Dr Cloe Posimani is a medical doctor engaging with public health research to benefit the country of her heritage. Cloe is a descendent of Niue (Tuapa) and grew up in New Zealand. Following her medical training, she worked in hospitals and general practices in several towns and cities around the country. Recognising that many of […]

Healthier Lives Kōrero Tahi 2024 – presentations

Healthier Lives Kōrero Tahi 2024 – presentations healthlives wed pm

Healthier Lives Kōrero Tahi 2024 – equity and beyond 13-14 February, Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington More than 200 kaupapa partners, stakeholders and researchers gathered at Te Papa Tongarewa and online for Kōrero Tahi 2024 where research findings from the second phase of Healthier Lives were presented. This newsletter provides a taste of the rich kōrero and links […]

Symposium: Healthier Lives Kōrero Tahi 2024

Symposium: Healthier Lives Kōrero Tahi 2024 mg 9614 website cropped

13-14 February 2024
Our kaupapa partners, stakeholders and research teams will be gathering at Healthier Lives Kōrero Tahi 2024 to explore how research evidence generated through the Healthier Lives National Science Challenge can enable better and more equitable health outcomes for Aotearoa New Zealand.

Co-designing health research in Aotearoa New Zealand – what we’ve learnt

Co-designing health research in Aotearoa New Zealand – what we’ve learnt weaving and hands

Healthier Lives has launched companion reports about co-designing health research in Aotearoa New Zealand, at Kōrero Tahi 2024: equity and beyond. Co-designing health research in Aotearoa New Zealand describes a Kaupapa Māori evaluation of five Healthier Lives’ projects. The report outlines the elements needed for authentic co-design of health research with Māori and Pacific communities.  […]

Healthier Lives event announcement and newsletter, January 2024

Healthier Lives event announcement and newsletter, January 2024

Upcoming event: We invite you to join the livestream of the Healthier Lives Kōrero Tahi 2024: equity and beyond 13-14 February, Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington Healthier Lives is bringing together our researchers and kaupapa partners (stakeholders) at Kōrero Tahi 2024 to promote the uptake and implementation of research findings. This event features two keynote speakers: […]

ACTIVATION: The Getting Around Surveys 2022

ACTIVATION: The Getting Around Surveys 2022 getting around survey 2022

Illustrated summaries of two research surveys provide accessible feedback to participants in the ACTIVATION project, a major research initiative jointly funded by two National Science Challenges – Healthier Lives and Ageing Well. Among other things, ACTIVATION is investigating the concept of shared mobility – having shared access to a vehicle or bicycle – in two […]

Healthier Lives Newsletter December 2023

Healthier Lives Newsletter December 2023

Director’s message With the end of the year almost upon us, Healthier Lives is reflecting on the tasks ahead to bring our research to fruition and into the hands of policymakers and communities to make a difference to the health and wellbeing of all New Zealanders. February will see the return to New Zealand of […]

Research inventory: Evidence for health and wellbeing

Research inventory: Evidence for health and wellbeing research inventory image

The three health and wellbeing National Science Challenges have produced a wealth of research outputs, which have now been brought together in a single inventory:  Ngā taunakitanga mō te hauora me te toiora i Aotearoa New ZealandEvidence for health and wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand. The inventory contains information about: new models of care and […]

Healthier Lives Newsletter September 2023

Healthier Lives Newsletter September 2023

Director’s update It is rewarding to see the dissemination of Healthier Lives research evidence influencing the development of new health policies and programmes.  This newsletter contains details about several promising initiatives. The  HYPE study has generated important findings and produced tools to assist with implementing a new national Healthy Food and Drink policy, and the […]

Research update: HYPE (HealthY Policy Evaluation)

Research update: HYPE (HealthY Policy Evaluation) Rp Header Hype

The National Healthy Food and Drink Policy, developed by the National Food & Drink Environments Network in partnership with the Ministry of Health, is one of the few New Zealand policies that aims to improve our food environment. It was adopted as a voluntary policy in 2016 by the previous District Health Boards and some […]

Research update: Oire Tokoroa

Research update: Oire Tokoroa image 75

The Oire Tokoroa Family Diabetes Lifestyle Programme, led by Massey University researcher Associate Professor Ridvan Tupai-Firestone, and co-designed with Tokoroa-based health provider South Waikato Pacific Islands Community Services Trust (SWPICS), led by Akarere Henry, recently held a celebration to mark the end of the project and provide feedback to the community.   This type 2 diabetes prevention programme, built around the central […]

Healthier Lives Newsletter July 2023

Healthier Lives Newsletter July 2023

In this issue: Research voices: Els Russell The completion of a Master’s in Public Health by Els Russell, as part of the Healthier Lives – Ageing Well ACTIVATION project, has enabled the lived experience of Māori in social housing to be heard. This research has important implications for equitable social housing policy, with findings that are […]

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