National Science Challenges work together to release a Guide to Vision Mātauranga

22 June 2020

Lessons from Māori voices in the New Zealand Science Sector

A Guide to Vision Matauranga cover
A Guide to Vision Mātauranga

All 11 National Science Challenges (NSCs) and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga have teamed up to contribute to a future-focussed Guide to Vision Mātauranga for the science sector.

The Guide was developed out of a hui led by the Rauika Māngai, an assembly of senior Māori representatives which aims to enhance the impact of the National Science Challenges and unlock the innovation potential of Māori knowledge, resources and people (pictured above with Professor Juliet Gerrard, the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor). It includes perspectives from Māori scientists, research leaders and programme managers.

The Vision Mātauranga Leadership Hui, held on 30-31 October 2019 at Ngā Wai o Horotiu Marae, AUT, was attended by over 100 individuals all at the forefront of Vision Mātauranga.

It was the first time in more than 10 years that Māori researchers, criss-crossing science disciplines, have been able to hui en masse as expert practitioners for a focussed discussion on Vision Mātauranga.

Rauika Māngai Chair Dr Jessica Hutchings (Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities) said this coming together was a rare opportunity to re-focus Vision Mātauranga, and commit to a common approach going forward.

“Thanks to the members of the Rauika Māngai from across the 11 National Science Challenges for their commitment to collective processes for systems change, leadership and hard work in bringing this kōrero to the fore” she said at the leadership hui.

“Ehara i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini -It is not the strength of one but the strength of many.”

“Here, we take an important look back at the original intention of the Vision Mātauranga policy”.

Rauika Māngai Deputy Chair Dr Willy-John Martin (Science for Technological Innovation) highlights that the Guide is intended to be a resource for everyone in the Science system;

“The Guide advances the understanding of Vision Mātauranga both conceptually and operationally. We hope it will set a new foundation for Vision Mātauranga for all across the sector.”

The Guide shares voices from an experienced ensemble of contributors who work at the interface between the Māori and Scientific worlds and outlines an approach to Vision Mātauranga across three key areas:

  1. Vision Mātauranga leadership and development
  2. Bringing Vision Mātauranga to life
  3. Empowering the future

Download the Guide to Vision Mātauranga [ PDF 3.4MB].

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