Healthier Lives

Cancer detection and treatment aided by test sensitivity

Cancer detection and treatment aided by test sensitivity Science lab testing

Finding tiny traces of cancer early means more effective treatment and better outcomes. Professor Parry Guilford and his team at the Centre for Translational Cancer Research, have been working on identifying minute traces of cancer in body fluids, potentially providing a minimally invasive route for the early diagnosis of several cancer types. The difficulty lies […]

Gene variant increases obesity risk

Gene variant increases obesity risk Graphic of DNA

A number of Healthier Lives researchers have contributed to our understanding of a new discovery published in Nature Genetics. US researchers investigating the genetic contribution to obesity have discovered a gene variant on chromosome 5 that increases fat storage and obesity risk in the Samoan population. They estimate that this may increase an individual’s risk […]

Bread to feed young minds

Bread to feed young minds Three loaves of bread

Healthier Lives National Science Challenge is a partner in a new healthy food initiative, Project Activate, that will be featured in the International Science Festival. The aim is to encourage children to have an interest in health, healthy eating, and science.  International Science Festival director Chris Greene suggested the combination of the bread research with […]

Science Challenges unite for collaboration with China

Science Challenges unite for collaboration with China Chinese flag against blue sky

The three health-related National Science Challenges (Healthier Lives, Ageing Well, and A Better Start) have united to lead a new research venture with China. The collaboration will focus on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and is called the New Zealand-China Non-Communicable Diseases Collaboration Centre. A grant of $1.25 million has been made by the Ministry of Business, […]

New partnership to improve health of New Zealanders

New partnership to improve health of New Zealanders Jim Mann and Steven Joyce

A new partnership comprising the Healthier Lives National Science Challenge, the Ministry of Health and the Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC) has been formed to invest in research that will improve understanding, treatment and prevention of long term conditions. A total funding pool of approximately $7.9 million (exclusive of GST) is available for […]

Healthier Lives researchers prominent in HRC funding round

Healthier Lives researchers prominent in HRC funding round Kids enjoying lunch at school, photo by Chris Sullivan.

Healthier Lives congratulates researchers whose work has been recognised in HRC’s (Health Research Council) 2016 funding round with substantial investments. This recognition speaks to the research excellence, integrity and standing of our research colleagues. Investigators have been recognised in both three- and five-year grants with a number of studies having direct relevance to our goal […]

Healthier Lives researchers feature in Gene Genie series

Healthier Lives researchers feature in Gene Genie series Presenter Adam Rutherford

BBC 4 science presenter and geneticist, Dr Adam Rutherford, discusses with New Zealand researchers how the eventual deciphering of the whole human genome will have implications for sex, paternity, medicine, weight control, species restoration and even human survival. Recorded at live events in March 2016, the Gene Genie series is being broadcast as The Sunday […]

Bariatric surgery debated as ‘standard treatment’ for diabetes

Bariatric surgery debated as ‘standard treatment’ for diabetes Family walking through forest

Photo: World Obesity Federation Recommendations for bariatric treatment to be considered as a standard treatment for Type 2 diabetes has attracted debate in New Zealand. Associate Professor Jeremy Krebs, a member of the Healthier Lives Science Leadership Team and immediate past president of the New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes, has outlined concerns […]

The low down on fat consumption

The low down on fat consumption Block of butter, cut, on old chopping board, with bone-handled knife.

People are becoming increasingly confused by the conflicting advice about fat consumption in our diets. A recent report by two UK charities argues for increasing fat in our diet. Is this advice sound? Who is making these claims and on what basis? To get some answers Jesse Mulligan interviews Professor Jim Mann, Director of the […]

Using ‘big data’ to assess impacts of health conditions

Using ‘big data’ to assess impacts of health conditions Colin McCahon mural in a library

New Zealand is making rapid strides in the smart use of big data to improve health information for decision-makers. Healthier Lives principal investigator Professor Tony Blakely and colleagues examine a Treasury working paper: The Employment and Income Effects of Eight Chronic and Acute Health Conditions. Read the full article: NZ’s Smart Use of Big Data: […]

Launch: Te Tira Rangahau Hauora network

Launch: Te Tira Rangahau Hauora network Te Tira Rangahau Hauora

Māori researchers share strengths The National Science Challenges provide a new mechanism for funding research and contributing to improved social outcomes for New Zealand.  The three health and wellbeing National Science Challenges—Healthier Lives, Ageing Well, and A Better Start—all have a strong focus on addressing health inequities and issues of significance to Māori communities. The […]

Launch: Healthier Lives-He Oranga Hauora National Science Challenge

Launch: Healthier Lives-He Oranga Hauora National Science Challenge Hon Steven Joyce and guests at Otakou marae

New Healthier Lives Challenge takes aim at NZ’s major killers4 December 2015Ōtākou Marae Innovative research aimed at significantly reducing the death and disease burden of some of New Zealand’s leading health problems will be pursued through the Healthier Lives National Science Challenge launched by the Hon Steven Joyce at Ōtākou Marae on the Otago Peninsula […]

Researchers endorse new food and nutrition guidelines

Researchers endorse new food and nutrition guidelines Variety of fresh vegetables

The new Ministry of Health Food and Nutrition Guidelines released today have been endorsed by researchers at Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research (EDOR) at the University of Otago. “The guidelines represent a fine-tuning of earlier advice and provide a definitive set of dietary principles which are compatible with the guidelines from the WHO and other major authorities around the […]

Healthier Lives cancer programme highlighted

Healthier Lives cancer programme highlighted

The cancer research programme for the Healthier Lives Challenge was recently featured in the Otago Spotlight Series: Cancer Research event in Wellington. An audience of  health professionals, researchers, policymakers, community organisations, funders and cancer survivors attended a day of presentations from our internationally recognised and distinguished scientists. The programme included presentations by Professor Parry Guilford, Deputy […]

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