This website captures the work of the Healthier Lives–He Oranga Hauora National Science Challenge (2015-2024).
You will find a full summary of our work here and you are welcome to browse the rich array of material on this website.
Healthier Lives
He Oranga Hauora
He rangahau mahi tahi hei whakapiki i te ārainga me te taurimatanga o te mate pukupuku, o te mate iaia manawa, o te mate huka me te mate mōmona, mō te katoa.
Collaborative research to equitably improve the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity.
Research Themes

Healthy food and physical activity environments

Culturally centred health interventions for Māori and Pacific peoples

Precision medicine and personalised prevention
News stories
Farewell newsletter, August 2024
Director’s message At the end of a decade-long focus on mission-led research, it is time to reflect…
Illustrations bring dietary modelling to life
Sustainable New Zealand Kai lead researcher Dr Cristina Cleghorn (University of Otago Wellington) has been working with…
Revolutionising Cancer Care in Aotearoa
Healthier Lives has released a series of three podcasts called Sticking it to Cancer. The series, produced…