Research Projects

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Culturally centred health interventions for Māori and Pacific peoples

Whānau ora and community-based approaches to health

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Healthier Lives Implementation Network

Implementing novel health programmes to meet the needs of Māori and Pacific communities
Dunedin Panorama

Te Kāika DiRECT

A primary care-led weight management intervention for adults with obesity and prediabetes or type 2 diabetes
Portrait Of A Young Maori Family Taken Outdoors In A Park Setting

Implementing equitable health interventions

Supporting the health system to implement interventions and improve health equity
Samoan Family St Clair Esplanade Moveme

Oire Tokoroa Family Diabetes Prevention Programme

A type 2 diabetes prevention programme, co-designed with Pacific families and communities
Young Maori extended family collect shellfish, Northland

Life-course impact of chronic health conditions

Investigating the impact of chronic disease on families and whānau at different life stages
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Pasifika Prediabetes Youth Empowerment Programme

Empowering Pacific Island communities to lead healthier lifestyles
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Improving individuals’ health by strengthening community connectedness
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Manawataki Fatu Fatu

Investigating access-gaps in cardiovascular disease treatment for Māori and Pacific Peoples
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He Pikinga Waiora

Making health interventions work for Māori communities
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Mana Tū

Investigating a whānau ora approach to long-term conditions
Team Photo App Launch 31.01.18 01 Enhanced


Supporting healthy lifestyles: a Maori and Pasifika mHealth approach
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Healthy food and physical activity environments

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Culturally centred health interventions for Māori and Pacific peoples

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Precision medicine and personalised prevention

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